Fri, 21 Mar 2025
Registration: 9:00 am - 9:25 am
Event: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Live Online
This study day is designed to appeal to all members of the Primary Care Team including Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and GPs, who are most welcome however please be aware that the clinical study days are designed with the whole team in mind and are not specifically for GPs.
The study day has a great track record of hitting the right level for effective learning. Keeping carefully to National Guidelines and wherever possible, Local Pathways, it focuses on the specific practical issues of Stroke and TIA diagnosis and management for primary care. We then progress to the prevention of stroke from embolic stroke caused by atrial fibrillation and address the issue of accurate diagnosis, prevention and management of AF.
Along with formal teaching via screen sharing, this study day is famous for the teaching demonstration of the clotting chef and the musical heartbeat – all designed to help professionals get their head around these complex processes.
At the end of the day delegates will have an appreciation of: