Event Details
Your learning agenda:
1 in 4 women, 1 in 8 men and 1 in 5 children are subjected to domestic abuse in the UK. Those statistics represent a significant proportion of our Practice lists. How can we spot who they are? How can we feel confident enough to initiate an active enquiry into abuse? And how can we support them if we get a disclosure? I will answer all these questions and more in this Level 3 training.
The agenda will cover:
- Definitions of Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control
- Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse
- The impact of domestic abuse on Adults
- The impact of domestic abuse on Children
- Why Domestic abuse is important to Primary Care by looking at two case studies including a Domestic Homicide Review
- How to ask about domestic abuse and how to respond to disclosures
- How to manage Domestic Abuse in times of COVID
- Resources and Support for victims/ survivors of domestic abuse
This training contributes to fulfilling the Level 3 training requirement for General Practitioners in safeguarding and holds the same weight as an in-person session. GPs can incorporate it into their appraisals by maintaining a reflection record, dedicating one hour to Children's safeguarding and another hour to Adult safeguarding.