Essex EQUIP Ltd, 1 Freebournes Court, Newland Street, Witham, Essex, CM8 2BL
This popular conference takes place once a year and is regularly attended by GPs and Nurses from across Essex and border counties.
The event is chaired by Penny Chafer, Respiratory Nurse Specialist who has been working with EQUIP for a number of years to develop these exciting yearly programmes.
This year, the morning commences with a plenary session from Dr Steve Holmes, who has more than 200 publications to his name and remains active as a clinician, educator and passionate driver for improved respiratory care. Dr Holmes will be focusing on 'Asthma' The future.
Further plenary sessions from:
Dr Duncan Powrie, who is a Consultant in Respiratory and General Internal Medicine at Southend Hospital since 2006.
Dr Powrie will be presenting on diagnosis, management of stable disease and exacerbations in bronchiectasis.
Dr Hattie Roebuck - Palliative Care of the Respiratory Patient - (further details to follow)