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Prostap Hormone Injection Training for HCA's

Half day course
Non-members £133.00 Members £111.00

Prostap Hormone Injection Training for HCA's

Thu, 30 Jan 2025 Half day course

Event Dates

Thu, 30 Jan 2025

Event: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm


Essex EQUIP Ltd, 1 Freebournes Court, Newland Street, Witham, Essex, CM8 2BL

Suitable For

  • Healthcare Assistants


This half day course is open to all Advanced HCAs who are currently working with clients that require Prostap injections. HCAs that attend this course will be undertaking advanced practice that requires a minimum of two years’ experience in primary care and must be trained to or have the equivalent of NVQ 3 in accordance to National Minimum Competencies.

The course requirements are that the HCA has existing skills in sharps management such as phlebotomy and is receiving annual updates for immunisations and the management of resuscitation and anaphylaxis.

The course will provide all necessary documentation for the administration of the injection to include a competency framework to use with the mentor in practice, a protocol for the administration of Prostap injections and an example of a Patient Specific Directive (PSD) for prescribing and legal purposes.

Aims and Objectives

  • To provide HCAS with the knowledge and skills required for the procedure of administering Prostap injections.
  • To provide the HCA with resources, education and awareness of the legal issues, accountability and prescribing through delegation.
  • To provide the mechanisms for the HCA to be signed off as competent by a trained nurse in their workplace and follow the protocols and framework supplied for safe practice.

 Course Content

  • The role of the HCP in extended practice
  • What is Prostap?
  • The uses of Prostap in patient condition management
  • Undertaking a risk assessment of the patient prior to injection
  • How is Prostap prescribed / legal issues / prescriptions: PSD
  • What are the side effects / contraindications / follow up care / anaphylaxis
  • Record keeping /documentation/communication with patients / capacity / consent
  • Safe handling and storage of injections; including infection control
  • Injection administration and techniques including practical session Protocols/ competencies and supervised practice by mentor

About the Trainer

Julia O'Mara

Julia O'Mara

Event Contact

Essex Equip Ltd EQUIP Danuta Suett 01376 318732 [email protected]

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